NDR Loading Solutions
Meeting regulatory compliance, whilst
unlocking valuable data and controlling costs
Is your organisation NDR Compliant? OASIS can support with NDR compliance, combining our surface record management skills and National Data Repository (NDR) loading expertise
NDR Loading Solutions
OASIS can help your organisation meet regulatory compliance, unlock valuable data, and control costs with our NDR loading solutions
Reduce legacy archives by 50-70%
Reduce annual storage, service and management cost
Identify unreported data and retrieve and load up to 90% of these missing records
Digitise and utilise physical records
Technical Flow
Analysis of the existing data management strategy with reference to legacy data holdings and comparison against the NDR. Prepare recommendations and the business case.
Retrieve physical records, validate each record against the NDR and triage for digitisation and upload, storage retention or disposal.
Conversion of selected paper and magnetic media to create high quality, searchable, accessible formats.
Extraction of data and meta-data to establish the version and to enrich existing repositories and apply required data tags. Load correct, validated version to required digital repository.
Value Proposition
Clearly defined data management strategy for legacy records with identified, measurable outcomes that comply with regulatory stipulations and requests.
Records become more readily ‘findable’ with meta-data at item level. Our trained and expert staff complete record classification enabling the definition of retention requirements. A proportion are likely to be eligible for disposal, delivering future OPEX reduction.
Valuable records converted to searchable digital formats. Unlocks opportunities to apply ML/ AI tools.
Data and records readily accessible in correct formats, enabling value creation. Ensuring regulatory requirements are met with the applicable c-tags and data completeness.
Energy FAQs
Our specialist records centres are purpose-built and designed under industry-leading security solutions. Your physical and digital storage is environmentally controlled and protected against fire using Inergen gas systems, offering effective fire suppression, without the risk of water damage associated with sprinkler systems.
Yes, if you need to submit applicable records to a national data repository we can help you find the relevant records, classify them according to the submission standards, digitise them to the required standard and upload them on your behalf.
Certainly. We specialise in storing all types of data for the Energy sector. In addition to your organisations’ physical and digital data, we can store geological records such as core, cuttings, tapes containing well logs and seismic surveys, oil and gas samples and even non-standard containers such as map tubes.
Where a retention date is recorded, we proactively report to you records that are available for destruction. Our team can assist you in the development of compliance and design of retention strategies to audit records and identify candidates for destruction. We will not destroy any of your records in our records centre until the request is given in writing by an authorised person. When the time comes to destroy your records, we offer secure shredding services, with all the paper waste recycled and with a Certificate of Destruction.
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