
Tape data recovery & conversions

OASIS have strategic partnerships offering our clients maximum data recovery when restoring and converting modern or legacy tapes into accessible and readable information

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Our expert restoration and conversion experts have the capacity to deal with any tape data recovery requests, from ad-hoc emergency requirements, to the cataloguing and maintaining a database of historical media. Where the restoration application or equipment is now obsolete they can be migrated to more modern media.

Benefits of Tape recovery & conversion

Armed with a specialist knowledge in tape restoration and conversion techniques as well as state-of-the-art equipment, we can help you recover data previously irretrievable, saving it in an accessible media format that can be quickly and effectively restored.

Future proof your data

Our guaranteed tape restoration process has the capability to transform your outdated media into a useable format.

Avoid legacy system costs

By utilising OASIS' tape restoration and conversion service you no longer need to retain and maintain expensive legacy systems.

Fast and reliable service

Our tape conversion and restoration experts adhere to pre-set turnaround times on tape restoration and delivery of targeted data.

Meet regulatory requirements

Where clients have a legal or regulatory obligation to maintain their data, our tape conversion and recovery process provides a reliable method to meet these demands.

Efficient workflow

Our expert team members have the capacity to restore and convert large volumes of historical data in a very short time frame. They can compliment and enhance your organisation's existing work practices.

Streamline backup processes

Where organisations have their data on several different media we have the capacity to consolidate it into a single format.

Tape recovery & conversion process

Although the tape restoration and conversion process is an agreed, client driven undertaking, a typical  conversion exercise is outlined below:

Members of our Tape Restoration and Conversion team will collect the tapes identified for data recovery or conversion from your office, incumbent supplier or multiple locations as required.

Your tapes will be securely transported inside our OASIS GPS-tracked vehicles to our data recovery and conversion facility.

Upon arrival at our tape data recovery and conversion facility, tapes are restored and converted to the clients specification.

Once the tapes have been restored and converted to the desired format they are securely delivered to the client.

Tape data recovery options

Tape to cloud

This cloud-based service, pulls the data from backup tapes and other media, converts it into useable files, and stores it in a cloud-based solution – facilitating restoration in minutes.

Data migration & recovery

The conversion of Data held on media where the restoration application or equipment is now obsolete can be migrated to more modern media.

What our clients are saying

Clarks Legal logo BOXIT Logo The Princess Alexandra Hospital logo DMH Stallard logo

OASIS provides us with a full records & information management service & to date the relationship between the two companies has worked very well. We have found OASIS’s services to be of a very high standard, with emphasis on security, quality, accuracy & punctual service

Clarkslegal LLP

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I had been approached by a number of businesses over the last three years looking to acquire my interest. When OASIS made an approach, their personalised, friendly and efficient manner essentially won the day. In particular, their commitment to continue to grow and manage the Box-it group.

Box-it group

We have found that OASIS have communicated well on each level & been happy to accommodate our changing needs. Our on going service contract includes the delivery & recall of archived information & this too seems to be working well.

Health Records Department , Princess Alexandra Hospital Harlow

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OASIS have consistently delivered a quality client focused service. They successfully managed, in conjunction with DMHS, a time sensitive project that saw in excess of 40,000 important documents migrated from our in-house facility to their specialised warehouse.

DMH Stallard (DMHS)

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