In the quest for sustainability, industries across the globe are turning towards carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a crucial component of their decarbonisation strategies. As the world transitions to renewable energy sources, the need for efficient carbon storage solutions becomes increasingly pressing. In this context, the oil and gas sector hold a valuable asset that could significantly contribute to the success of CCS initiatives: legacy data.

Legacy oil and gas data, accumulated over decades of exploration and production activities, represents a treasure trove of valuable information. This data encompasses geological surveys, well logs, seismic studies, production records, and much more. While traditionally used for reservoir management and hydrocarbon extraction, these datasets can also play a pivotal role in assessing the suitability of subsurface formations for carbon storage.

Digital transformation is the key to unlocking the potential of legacy data in supporting CCS endeavours. By leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics, oil and gas companies can digitise and analyse vast quantities of historical data with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

One of the primary challenges in carbon storage is identifying suitable geological formations capable of securely storing carbon dioxide (CO2) over extended periods. Legacy data holds crucial insights into the geological characteristics of subsurface formations, including porosity, permeability, and structural integrity. By digitising this data and subjecting it to advanced analytics, geoscientists and engineers can identify optimal storage sites with greater precision, reducing the time and cost associated with site selection.

Furthermore, the integration of legacy data with real-time monitoring systems enables continuous assessment of storage reservoirs, ensuring the long-term integrity and security of stored carbon. This proactive approach mitigates the risk of leakage or unintended migration of CO2, enhancing the overall safety and effectiveness of CCS projects.

Digital transformation facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing across industry stakeholders, academia, and regulatory bodies. By establishing centralised platforms and data repositories, companies can streamline data access and exchange, fostering innovation and accelerating the development of best practices in carbon storage.

The benefits of utilising and digitising legacy oil and gas data for carbon storage suitability extend beyond environmental considerations. By repurposing existing assets and infrastructure, companies can maximise the value of their investments and diversify revenue streams in a rapidly evolving energy landscape.

Realising the full potential of legacy data requires a concerted effort from industry leaders, policymakers, and technology providers. Collaboration is essential to overcome technical, regulatory, and organisational barriers as well as establish robust frameworks for data governance, security, and privacy.

In conclusion, the digital transformation of legacy oil and gas data represents a transformative opportunity for advancing carbon storage solutions and combating climate change. By harnessing the power of data analytics and emerging technologies, we can unlock new possibilities for sustainable energy transition and pave the way for a greener future – leveraging our collective expertise and resources that will drive meaningful change and a more resilient and sustainable world. Contact us to learn more or join us at one of our collaboration and exploration events.

About the author

Christine started her career by creating Data Packages for released oil and gas data in the UK before transitioning to Petrophysical Analysis from Well Data, Christine relocated to Canada to develop Well Data Services in North America before returning to the UK. Christine is now a Senior Account Manager for the Energy sector and utilises her vast experience and knowledge to support clients internationally.

Christine’s expertise don’t just end with Information Management, Christine is a qualified Canine Behaviourist and has a Flyball Club that Christine trains and competes with most weekends. You can find Christine’s Flyball Team.

Contact Christine via email

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