5th June 2022 marks the 49th annual World Environment Day.
World Environment Day is a global campaign led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) marked in order to promote and inspire positive environmental change worldwide. This year’s campaign theme is ‘Only One Earth’ which calls for a united transformation plan on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore planet Earth.
Small changes to our lives can help our environment. We are all doing our part by avoiding single use plastic, walking instead of driving and buying local produce. But have you considered how Information Management can help you do a little extra for the environment?
Paperless or Paperlite
Do you remember when the phrase ‘Think before your print’ was a common sight in email signatures. The message is clear and still relevant. Do you need to print that document? Do you really need that many copies? Can that document be printed duplex? By challenging ourselves on matters such as this we can help the planet.
Now, do not get me wrong sometime printing is unescapable. It is required and necessary but once you no longer require that physical paper record remember to recycle. Alternatively, can you purchase and use recycled paper. While recycled paper often doesn’t have that bright white look it is a great option especially if your organisation is heavily paper based.
Scanning and Digitising
Not all records are born digital, by this I mean that some records are created traditionally with pen and paper. Since 2020 the way we work has drastically changed, more people now work from home, others have returned to the office, and then there are the team members who have a flexible approach.
Making copies of records can be challenging and problematic, with issues around version control and security. Physically transporting or posting a record can also have its challenges especially for the environment, with a requirement for packaging and emissions from vehicles. Digitising or scanning records is a great solution not only for the environment but for accessibility and security. It is important the type of scanning is considered to ensure the information stays intact, and that it is authentic and reliable. Research suitable scanning and digitisation vendors and find out which process is suitable for your document flow.
Switch off
Do not leave your devices on standby, switch them off at the mains when you are not using them and they are not required. Encourage your colleagues, friends and families to do the same and imagine benefit to the planet by powering off your computer, monitor and printer whenever you are not using them.
OASIS Group are committed to the environment and reducing our impact on the planet, if you would like to find our more about World Earth Day please click here to visit their website.
About the author
Within my role as Group Marketing Manager I support all Team Members and the organisation to market, promote and represent the brand appropriately as the European leader in Information Management.
Creating and managing campaigns throughout all industries and sectors to both new and existing clients across all regions, encapsulating the full service offering including our award winning Omnidox suite.