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Celebrating Pride: Embracing Inclusion All Year Round

By OASIS Group | 29 June 2023

Pride month is a time of celebration, empowerment, and advocacy, aiming to foster a more inclusive and accepting society for people of all sexual orientations and identities. It provides a platform for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies to come together, raise awareness, and work towards a more equitable and inclusive future. 

While Pride month serves as a prominent point for advancing LGBTQ+ rights and visibility globally, it is crucial for this to go beyond a single month of recognition. Celebrating Pride all year round creates a workplace where diversity, acceptance, and respect are celebrated every day. By fostering an inclusive culture, organisations strengthen employee engagement, attract top talent, and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society.

June is the month that the world recognises Pride, specifically for those who identify as LGBTQIA+ and their allies.
As a proud and out gay man, I feel it is very important that all identities, beliefs and race minorities are supported as we are still needing a voice. It worries me that I see the world seeming to move back with its tolerance and recognition, with the number of violence and homophobic and transphobic attacks on the rise.
I am one of the lucky ones that was finally able to marry my partner (now husband), Lawrence, after 21 years of being together. We waited for the legislation to be recognised in 2014 and then decided to tie the knot in 2021…thanks to the pandemic it ended up being a rather muted affair (actually, wouldn’t have changed it for the world).
 I have been very fortunate on the whole throughout my career not to have faced prejudice and been blessed with supportive colleagues and as I’ve grown older, wiser (some may disagree!), and more senior in roles I encourage those who work with me as part of my team and other colleagues across the business to be open and understanding when communicating and working with other people. Not everyone is able to have a voice or feels confident and sharing their story, belief etc.
If anyone wants to speak to me regarding this, please reach out!

Neil Young, Group Head of Business Systems – OASIS Group

As we come to the end of the month of June, we have an opportunity to look back over Pride month within our organisation. Pride month represents a time of celebration, reflection, and inclusion for our LGBTQ+ team members and community.

At OASIS Group, we value diversity and recognise the importance of fostering an inclusive workplace where every individual feels safe, respected, and valued for who they are. Pride month allows us to reaffirm our commitment to creating an environment that embraces and supports people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. I hope that all of our team members have in their own way taken the opportunity to learn and engage with the history, experiences, and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Let us take the time to educate ourselves, challenge biases, and foster a deeper understanding of the diverse perspectives within our organisation, not just during Pride month, but throughout the year.

Lorraine Williams, Head of HR OASIS Group – OASIS Group

To find out more about OASIS Group’s approach to inclusivity and diversity with our team members please contact info@oasisgroup.com

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