
Energy data asset management solutions

Helping you work smarter, by making your data work harder

Sign up for our roundtable - Unravelling complex legacy data to sculpt a sustainable tomorrow

How can legacy data enable with new carbon capture development? Sign up today for our discussion roundtable 'Unravelling complex legacy data to sculpt a sustainable tomorrow' with expert panellists from operators and regulatory bodies.

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Tech ready and future-proofed: unleashing tomorrow’s potential

We help energy companies to modernise their information and data management practices, creating a holistic storage system for maintaining critical records, from physical to digital paper and physical media to storing subsurface samples in specialist environments. unlock the power of their data and keep ahead of next generation technologies, so that they can keep ahead of their competition. As new technologies emerge and with the use of data asset management systems we digitise records and data assets helping our clients to integrate a legacy of rich but disparate information, so that they can fully access the value of their data and embrace technology such as AI; supporting better insight for smarter decisions, more cost-effective approaches and future ready operations.

Empowering data accessibility and enabling effective organisations

We can help energy companies cope with the vast amounts of information they need to manage, alongside stringent regulatory requirements, and the critical need for operational monitoring. By helping them define their record storage and information strategies and address the common challenges of dispersed data, fragmented sources and the need for costly specialised storage facilities, we can help to create and house a single source of truth that will drive operational effectiveness and cost efficiency.

Navigating governance – security, compliance, and regulation

By its nature, the energy sector requires adherence to a complex web of regulation and compliance obligations and a high level of information security, which can be resource intensive and challenging to maintain. Our specialised services offer a seamless blend of highly secure storage and support strict regulatory compliance requirements, whilst ensuring smooth operational efficiency.

About OASIS Group

At the heart of our service is the belief that the information we manage on behalf of our clients is more than just data. What we hold has an intrinsic value for the organisations that we work with, so we treat everything with the utmost care and professionalism. Whether it’s digitising records, storing and retrieving physical archives or providing specialist environments to scan and digitise delicate historical records or geographically significant sub surface core samples, we keep that value at the centre of everything we do.

We never forget that every piece of information has the power to have a real impact on the success of our clients’ organisations. We’re helping them to safeguard sensitive and critical information so that they can access and leverage the insight and intelligence for enhanced business operations and customer service.

Better Information, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes