OASIS Group working in partnership with Encondian

Filer File Organisation System

Are you tired of sifting through endless files and struggling to keep your business data organised? Look no further than Filer, the cutting-edge Information Management Solution.

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What is Filer?

Filer is an innovative Information Management Solution developed by Encodian. It is designed to streamline document management processes, making file organisation, collaboration, and data security a seamless experience. Filer offers an intuitive file organisation system that allows users to create custom folders and subfolders for efficient document categorisation and retrieval.

Intuitive File Organisation

Filer brings order to your chaotic files with its intuitive file organisation system. Create custom folders and subfolders to categorise your documents efficiently, ensuring easy retrieval when you need them.

Access and Collaboration

Collaborate with your team seamlessly, no matter where they are. Filer offers centralised access to files, enabling real-time collaboration and eliminating version control headaches.

Powerful Search and Retrieval

Say goodbye to time-consuming searches. Filer's advanced search functionality allows you to find documents quickly based on titles, keywords, or metadata.

Enhanced Security Measures

Keep track of document changes with Filer's version control and audit trail features. Stay informed about revisions, modifications, and user activities for complete accountability.

Version Control and Audit Trail

As data is accessible anywhere, any place, anytime your employees are able to work remotely without needing access to physical files or documents

Seamless Integration

Filer seamlessly integrates with popular productivity tools like Microsoft Office, enabling you to manage and edit files directly within your familiar work environment.

Start your digital transformation journey

Embrace the power of Filer and transform the way you manage your information. Experience a user-friendly interface, advanced security, and streamlined collaboration capabilities with Filer, the ultimate Information Management Solution.

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